Terry Strom, our Executive Director of Ministry, joined the staff of Discipleship Unlimited in 2006. He is a songwriter and speaker and sings and shares his testimony at churches and in prison outreaches. He is the worship leader for Celebrate Recovery on the outside as well as the leader for Celebrate Recovery at the Murray Unit Faith-Based Dorm.
"I've seen the transformation in Terry Strom's life first hand. I was speaking at a Healing for your Heart conference in Milwaukee, WI. when Terry spoke of his life changing week-end with the Discipleship Unlimited ministry team. He was ambushed by the love of God on Texas Death Row. His song "I see Jesus in you" was written for Karla Faye Tucker. Karla had a love for Jesus that was contagious and Terry visited his friend several times before her 1998 execution. Terry was a free man with a new direction and his music will challenge those who are searching. The lyrics were inspired by those behind prison walls as well as from his own spiritual pilgrimage. My prayer along with Terry's is that you will let Him set you free." — Terry Meeuwsen, 700 Club co-host