A Great Beginning to 2012!

Texas City Medical Center Outreach

January 12-15 was our annual outreach at Carol Young Medical Center. We conduct services nightly and all day Saturday. During the day on Friday we go to the hospital and pray for the sick and dying. Men and women weep with gratitude that people come and pray over them. Many want to hear the claims of Jesus. All want prayer. God gives hope to those who feel hopeless. His power brings healing.

My first visit to Carol Young was in 2002 when we still lived in Wisconsin. Pam Wood, Sister Giselda, and I prayed for a young girl named Toshira confined to a wheelchair. Toshira testified how the power of God came to set her free her from constant pain. She experienced the healing power of Jesus. Today she is not in a wheelchair but is the leader of the prison worship-dance team.

This year my dear friend, Pam, had the joy of leading another young woman to Jesus. As we left prison, Pam said, “Texas City is one of the highlights of my life. I wouldn’t miss this for anything. I see Jesus my Lord doing miracles in this prison.”

Another New Faith Dorm Launched

Fourteen years ago, on Feb 3, Karla Faye Tucker was executed. While visiting shortly before her execution, Karla shared her dream for the women in white. Her vision was to see an area of the prison set aside for her sisters to be equipped to become disciples. Adjoining the old “life row” is a 32-bed dorm. You can imagine my joy on January 23 as our Mountain View Faith Dorm opened—only God! Each time we launch a new dorm, we begin with Experiencing God! It is an amazing invitation for the participants to join God in what He is doing in their lives. I am so glad He invited Discipleship Unlimited to come and see.