Oh give thanks to the Lord for he is good! (Psalm 107:1)
Dallas dedicates the Murray faith-based dorm
How I remember my first Thanksgiving in 2008 without my late husband, Dallas. Quiet. Filled with missing Big D. After our afternoon family dinner, I drove to the Murray Unit and walked the prison yard to our Faith-Based Dorm.
I remembered the dream Dallas and I shared two years before that a faith dorm would become a reality. As his cancer progressed, he encouraged me to stay the course. To never give up. We dedicated the first dorm on July 29, 2007. Now the Lord would use this band of 56 believers to minister to me. Sadness left as the women in white began to thank the Lord for his goodness and we celebrated Thanksgiving together.
He also turns deserts into pools of water (Ps. 107:35)
Now, eight years later, hundreds of women have graduated from our six dorms. We have classes for our graduates who are housed in new dorms to encourage them in their outreach. Some of our ladies have gone home, and now many are returning to prison to minister with us. Our visionary for the Reignite reunion has 182 graduates in his database. God has also opened the doors for the Set Free re-entry program to begin.
Reignite reunion
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so (Ps. 107:2)
Read stories about some of our graduates on our blog!
Some sat in darkness and deepest gloom, imprisoned in iron chains of misery. (Ps. 107:10)
God has continued to enlarge our territory and bring in the light of Jesus.
He broke down their prison gates of bronze; he cut apart their bars of iron! (Ps. 107:16)
Praise God for allowing us weekly ministry on eath ro and protective custod!
Praise God for th men’s ministry at Hughes:
Hughes houses 3000 men! Terry McDonald and Terry Cagle are Certified Volunteer Chaplain’s Assistants at the Hughes Unit for men in Gatesville. Terry McDonald coordinates the faith dorm in cellblock. Terry Cagle works with the 80 men in the unit dorm. They are also partnering with the four mate graduates rom th Darringto nmate seminar that have been sent as field ministers to assist at Hughes. One of the newest outreaches that the men have begun is going into the infirmary on Wednesdays and praying with the men there. Some are terminally ill. How can we help but be in awe of our God.
They sow their fields; plant their vineyards; And harvest their bumper crops. (Ps. 107:37)
Jake ministering in prison
Another amazing gift from God has been to have my grandson, Jake, working as an intern in the ministry these past several months. Sometimes we are four Stroms ministering together.
I am filled with gratitude...
For Terry and Jean and their faithfulness to establish our women in successful recovery programs;
For Kathy Diaz, Edrena Smith and Carla Hooton who work and pray with joyful hearts;
For more than 200 faithful volunteers serving hundreds of inmates weekly in our fields of white;
For the 100 ministry opportunities each month;
For the more than 400 men and women ministered to each week;
And for you our ministry partners who supply materials and the finances for Discipleship Unlimited to continue our amazing growth.
Giving thanks,
The Stroms and the Discipleship Unlimited staff and team