If God Be for Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

In our long-term Faith-Based Dorms we have mentors. They are selected from our past graduates and emulate qualities of humility, love, and a servant’s heart. They are there to walk alongside our new participants. Edrena Smith, our Murray Dorm coordinator, prayerfully selects and disciples each of our Murray mentors. 

How would you describe the faith dorm?

This question was recently posed by state officials to Cathryn, one of our faith dorm mentors. Cathryn has a consistent walk with God and is an encourager both to volunteers and to the women in white. The following is a summary of her comments:

The Discipleship Unlimited Faith-Based Dorm program is an 18-month program which changes offender behavior from the inside out. It brings the love of God in a practical way to those who previously had little hope for a new life. We cover many subjects: forgiveness, conflict resolution, shame, anger, accountability for crimes, family reconciliation, and restoration of family relationships. Practical skills, such as principles of saving money and balancing a checkbook, are included also.

The emphasis in all of our classes is to be ready to be restored to society. We want to contribute positively, being healed and transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. We desire to live a life of faith and integrity.