More than 50 years ago I knelt on my kitchen floor in desperation. I cried out to God, and He ambushed me with His amazing love. My heart was broken, and He applied the balm of Gilead. Love was the anointing oil for my wounded heart. He began a process of restoration, and today I know I am His beloved daughter. What joy to witness Him pouring that same amazing love out on the women behind the fences. He does for others what He did for me.
Love Poured Out in the Faith-Based Dorms
Hilltop Trust graduate with Dennis and Ruth Ready
More than 600 women have graduated from DU Faith-Based Dorms, and we are thrilled at the results. The word works and gives guidance and strength to those who are diligent to walk it out. The Holy Spirit is doing a deep healing work. Prayers are prayed, and volunteers sacrificially give their time. Ministry partners provide resources.
In August, we had two graduations. Listening to our graduates give their speeches is confirmation of the importance of relationships. We are wounded in relationships and healed in relationships.
Recently, as I was being escorted by a correctional officer, she said, “The women in the faith dorms are different. They change. I’ve been watching, and I love what you all are doing.” We ended up meeting for lunch and praying together. An officer impacted by the women in white .. contagious Christianity!
Panel of returning graduates
Hope Through Stories from the Outside
On September 24, we will have another panel discussion where women who were once behind the walls return to prison as part of our DU team. It is a great encouragement to all: volunteers, inmates, and staff. The women share honest challenges and practical testimonies of God at work in their lives.
Laurie sharing with our women
The Wisconsin-Texas Connection
Chaplain Laurie Watter Tenpenny traveled from Milwaukee, WI, to Texas to share in our graduations. Laurie’s spiritual journey began at a Healing for Your Heart Conference in 1995. Three months later, she came with the Wisconsin DU team to Texas. As a new Christ follower, Laurie went to Death Row (better known as Life Row)! No one is quite the same after spending time there.
Over the years, Laurie has overcome incredible obstacles and has impacted countless lives. She is a leader who knows how to forgive and is the Chaplain at Kettle Moraine Prison. We share a common goal and vision and love partnering together in ministry. I will be speaking in Wisconsin at Kettle Moraine Chapel service on October 3.
Again, thank you for your prayers and generous support. Your love has given us great joy and encouragement.
Linda, Terry and Jean Strom, and the DU staff and team