“Discipleship Unlimited is more than a prison ministry. It is a movement. And it’s changing the lives of incarcerated women after they leave prison.”
Discipleship Unlimited is determined not to abandon the women once they leave the prison. Celebrate Recovery is one of the many ways we stay connected.
Terry and Jean Strom
Update from Celebrate Recovery
Jean and I have been teaching Celebrate Recovery both inside and outside of prison since 2005. As we teach recovery on the inside, we develop meaningful relationships with the women, and we are committed to connecting them with CR Churches in their locations. Recently we welcomed 7 former offenders to our CR groups at Temple Bible Church and Heights Baptist. Several are now serving in leadership roles.
Jean, Sarah, and Terry
Sarah’s Story
Sarah shared her testimony at Heights Baptist Church. She and the other girls at Lifeway Haven help prepare and serve meals for CR.
One of the requirements for Woodman Faith Dorm is Celebrate Recovery, a 12-step program. I have never used drugs or alcohol, but I quickly realized CR was far more than addressing chemical dependency. Through Terry, I realized what my triggers were and why I felt the way I did. It helped me to deal with the obstacles I faced daily at Woodman. Now that I am at Lifeway Haven, I have been able to continue my contact with Terry & Jean through CR at Heights Baptist Church. I have an extended family at church and people who know my name. I work the 12 steps daily and I want to help others like Jean, Terry and my Heights CR family has done for me.
Many of our graduates are also working as Drug and Alcohol Counselors. They are giving back. Last week we had a work project and four of our alumni helped Larry and Sharon Bankhead organize our Set Free Clothes Project. We have 8 Refuels scheduled in the next 4 months and the women are leading the way. They are reaching out to those coming home to welcome them into their churches, Refuels and CR, AA or NA groups.
Tammy at the San Antonio Refuel
Stephanie and Set Free Bus Ministry
Stephanie was released from the Marlin Unit on July 22nd. Jean went to meet the bus with clothes and information about AA, CR and Refuel. After hearing where Stephanie lived, Jean asked if she knew Tammy Crawford. She had watched the Reentry modules and remembered Tammy’s story on the DVD. Tammy is an alumnus of the DU Hobby Faith Dorm and has been clean and sober for over 5 years. The great news is that Tammy contacted Stephanie immediately. They are now attending AA together and will be at our San Antonio Refuel on September 7th. We have a network of caring women. Lives are being transformed through God’s people in relationship.
One of the foundational studies of DU is Experiencing God. Henry Blackaby stresses to watch and see where God is at work and join Him in what He is doing. This is His work and we are on mission with Him Thank you for your prayers and generous support. We love this adventure.
Terry, Jean and the DU Staff and team