Andrea's Story: Surrender

God settles the lonely in families, He leads out the prisoners with singing!
— Psalms 68:6 NLT

This is another beautiful story about the faithfulness of God. Andrea came to D.U. Ranch and was all in. She devoured Bible studies and loved caring for the animals. She made the choice to be accountable for her finances and diligently worked on her recovery. She saved and paid cash for her car. She worked and received promotion. But during this entire journey there was an area of heartache. She has six children but only her oldest daughter lived in Texas, and she was in the process of moving. The other five live out of state. She loved her phone visits but longed to hug her children and be together. When her youngest son Ben had surgery in Michigan, she was unable to travel. There were prayers and many tears, but never grumbling. She completed the ranch program in April and is part of our staff team. The following are excerpts from Andrea’s journey.

Andrea with three of her children.

First time back in prison-

“Last night I went back to prison. When I got there and saw the razor wire, I felt sick. The sound of the gate locking behind me brought back so many painful emotions. Why would I go back to a place that I prayed God would rescue me from? And that’s exactly why I went back, because He did rescue me, not only from the physical walls but from so much more. So, I went for them, the women, and shared my story to give hope and to share God’s love. I got to leave this time on my own free will, but I left a piece of my heart with them because I was once that woman. They are not a lost cause; they are loved, and they have purpose. Now I go back weekly teaching Reentry classes.”

Moments with Mom hosted by Discipleship Unlimited

Andrea at Moments with Mom.

“What an honor to be a part of Moments with Mom. When I was incarcerated, I couldn’t see my children but now I was on my way into Murray Unit with a little joey named Logan. Joy was in the air as incarcerated mothers were reunited with their children in a welcoming environment. I find the best way to heal is to help others on their journey while God works out mine. And what He is doing is exceedingly abundantly more than anything I could have asked or imagined.”

Reconnecting with my children

“Surrender was the word God placed in my heart as I waited for over two years to be reunited with my children. Mother’s Day weekend of this year I saw His plan come to fruition. Not only did the Lord fight the battle for me but three of my children were delivered to my front door. Saturday night we were all too excited to sleep. Around midnight, my son joyously shouted, “Happy Mother’s Day!” Praise God! That was the first time I heard those words in years.”

Thank you for your prayers and ongoing encouragement. God is always greater!

Linda and the DU team